N-TWYNE Leadership : A trusted Learning and Talent Development Partner to Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Institutes in Vietnam and Asia.



N-TWYNE Leadership : A trusted Learning and Talent Development Partner to Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Institutes in Vietnam and Asia.

"First Time Manager Boot Camp'."

An early stage leadership development program with one of Vietnam's leading ESL providers for their people managers. This program had a focus on competencies relating to cultural intelligence, team and stakeholder management, while transitioning from 'individual contributor' to 'people manager' roles.
"Harnessing the Power of Networking"

An engaging session with a group of Vietnamese start-up entrepreneurs covering the essential skillsets to develop and sustain effective networks in order to tap into a diverse pool of skill sets, information and allies.
“Bridging the Talent Gap in 21st Century Organisations.”

During the 'Holland Career Fair 2019' in Vietnam, N-TWYNE Leadership had an opportunity to moderate a panel discussion with eminent Dutch and Vietnamese leaders around addressing some key challenges faced by today's hiring managers, HR professionals, educational institutes and millenial talent pool.
"Effective Virtual Communication across Teams' - Online learning for remote teams."

In partnership with stakeholders from Vietnam's vibrant start-up ecosystem to design and deliver distant learning platforms with a strong focus on digital skillsets and competencies related to leadership and remote business management.
“The road to leadership begins with the right platform.”

Leadership development program for a group of cross-functional teams from a leading Asia Pacific based manufacturing organisation, with a focus on cultural intelligence, conflict management, mentoring and team development.
"Resilient Leadership in Turbulent Times' - Interactive Webinar Workshop for leaders from Dutch Business Association Vietnam."

The COVID-19 pandemic and its global fallout have severely disrupted our lives and perhaps our coping mechanisms as well. Against the backdrop of this great unknown when one doesn't seem to be in control of forces around, building Resilience becomes a critical skill for leaders as they navigate through unchartered territories and engage with teams and stakeholders.
"Communication and Influence"."

Workshop series with a leading international coffee chain at their Ho Chi Minh City flagship location with a focus on warm and memorable customer and team interactions.
“Personal Development and 'Campus to Corporate' transitions.”

Personal Edge and Alumni Development programs for RMIT Vietnam at the Saigon South and Hanoi campus with a strong focus on personal development, employability and early career stage leadership competencies such as communication, influence and collaboration.
"Demystifying Emotional Intelligence with bright young minds at UEH - International School of Business."

'Bite-sized' insights, activities and skits to bring alive learning and a greater appreciation about Emotional Intelligence, as a useful life skill and competency, during one's academic and professional journey.